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Image by Nathan Dumlao


Investment coffee project

We would like to start our own coffee production in the near future and need investors to buy and process the land. We cannot offer you high returns with minimal risk.

With us you bid on high-risk investments in order to achieve the maximum positive effect on people and nature.  

As a holder of Azacca bonds, you receive 2% interest with a term of 4 years. Measured against the risk, this is a low interest rate and financially it is certainly not a worthwhile investment.

But we can guarantee you that the feeling of such an investment is worthwhile. You invest in:

- gentle sustainable production

- less exploitation of nature (no artificial pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers) and people (wages, safety at work etc.)

- stable biodiversified ecosystem

- Stable sources of income for the rural poor

- Training opportunities for disadvantaged young people

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