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Privacy Policy

Customer information will not be shared

​ uses encryption technology and other methods to protect your personal information. Your address and order data will not be passed on or sold to third parties. If you wish, you can request that your stored data be deleted or blocked if they are no longer required for the execution of the contract. Requests for information and blocking or deletion can also be sent in electronic form to the responsible office. You have the right to free information about the stored data and a right to correction.


We have an obligation to cooperate fully if we are asked to provide information about a customer for legal reasons.

If you order goods from, your e-mail address will only be used to communicate with you as a customer.


When registering for the newsletter, your e-mail address will only be used for our own advertising purposes until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

password protection. Your order information and purchase history is protected by a password of your choice. If you forgot your password, we will first verify your identity and then email your password to the email address you specified in your account.


Policy Changes

Our practice is designed to give you the safest and most secure shopping experience possible. Because offerings and technologies are subject to change, we reserve the right to modify, add, or remove certain sections of our Privacy Policy without notice. If major changes to our policy occur, we will notify our customers via email. Please check our Terms from time to time to see if any changes have occurred.

All employees of Azacca GmbH are obliged to comply with data protection regulations for your protection.

If you have any further questions or would like more information, please contact our customer service.



The published information and expressions of opinion are provided by Azacca GmbH exclusively for personal use and for information purposes; they are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. Azacca GmbH accepts no liability (neither expressly nor implicitly) for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information and opinions published on the website. In particular, is not obliged to remove information that is no longer up-to-date from the website or to expressly identify it as such.

Limitations of Liability accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind - be it direct, indirect or consequential - that may result from using or accessing the website or from links to third-party websites .

In addition, rejects any liability for manipulation of the Internet user's IT system by unauthorized persons. expressly points out the danger of viruses and the possibility of targeted hacking attacks. To combat viruses, we recommend using current browser versions and installing continuously updated anti-virus software. You should generally avoid opening e-mails of unknown origin and unexpected attachments to an e-mail.


Linked Websites

Certain links on websites may lead to third-party websites. These are not under the influence of, which is why assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness, completeness and legality of the content of such websites or for any offers and (service) performance contained therein.

Use of the website. The entire content of the website is protected by copyright. Saving or printing out individual pages and/or sections of the website is permitted provided that neither the copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed. By saving or otherwise duplicating software or other data on the website, the respective terms of use are deemed to have been accepted. All property rights remain with Azacca GmbH. The (complete or partial) reproduction, transmission (electronically or by other means), modification, linking or use of the website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of Azacca GmbH.

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